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Update on Soonie Adams

635, 10 Aug 2012

Received this from Joe Adams:


Hi Folks,
First of all, thank you for the many phone calls, cards, email messages, nice words, and prayers for Soonie. They have really meant a lot and we greatly appreciate them.
Thought it was time for an update. For some, this may be a bit redundent, as I may have passed along some of it during phone calls from you, etc. I just can't remember to whom I may have already talked with on the subject. If you already know the current status, just click off now. Sorry 'bout that".
Here goes. Soonie finished her first round of chemo last friday and was able to also get rid of the pump she was tied to for 24 hour a day. Radiation treatments continue 5 days a week, and will continue through the 31st of the month. Fortunately she has not had any real or sustained problem with nausea, nor has she had to endure any loss of hair. She is, however, very fatigued and has to rest often, and she also has lost her appetite. The real problem comes primarily as a side effect of the radiation. It is quite painful for her to swallow, liquids or solids; and I really have to push her to eat and drink. They have given her a liquid medicine which she takes before eating, and which numbs her throat for a while so she has less pain when eating. It helps. Obviously, she has lost some weight, but we are working to "beef her up" a bit.
She's off chemo for three weeks before starting the next round on the last week of the month. After that, a month off to recover physically, then more tests to see where we go from there. One thing is fairly certain, we won't be making our usual six month stay at our place in Yuma this winter. We do expect to be able to get down there for a month at a time, maybe a couple times over the winter months.
That's it for now. Thanks again for all the expressions of support and especially for the prayers for her. We remain optimistic and strong in our faith.

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