Page 12 - RAFINO Winter, 2018 Newsletter
P. 12

Page 12 of 13	                         	                             									RAFINO	REPORTER

                 RAFINO	 	                                       RAFINO is a fraternal/social Veterans'
                 	                                               organization put together and run entirely
                                                                 for the enjoyment of soldiers who spent at
       	                           least a large part of their Army life as
                 Robby	Robson	                                   Financial Management soldiers. Every
       	                             Finance soldier eligible for retirement is
                 	                                               eligible for membership in RAFINO. The
       	                         organization offers a fun way to stay in
                 	                                               contact with your friends and renew
                 	                                               friendships with those whom you may have
                 Keeping	the	Finance	Family	Together	            lost contact with over the years.

                                                                 The original By-Laws were unanimously
                                                                 approved by the officers of RAFINO on the
                                                                 31st of August 1987. The vote was based
                                                                 on mail replies of charter members the
                                                                 great majority of whom approved such
                                                                 formation of this society and the necessary
                                                                 steps to make it a non-profit veterans’

                                                                 The purposes above may be summarized
                                                        	        in one word: fellowship. The two societies
                                    	                            come together every two years for a festive

                 A HUGE thanks to John Veal for                  reunion. Cities where the reunions have
                 volunteering to format and layout               been held in the past include Washington,
                 this edition of the newsletter.                 D.C., Indianapolis, Las Vegas, Ft. Jackson,
                                                                 Orlando, Williamsburg, Branson, Tacoma,
                                                                 San Antonio, Baton Rouge, and in 2018,
                                                                 Albuquerque. These venues offer a great
                                                                 opportunity to not only visit great spots in
                                                                 the U.S. but, as mentioned above, visit
                                                                 with old friends and meet some new ones.

                                                                 The 2020 reunion will be in Charleston,
                                                                 SC. The 2022 reunion is looking like
                                                                 Indianapolis/Ft Ben Harrison State Park

                                                                 On October 15, 2016, the previous sister
                                                                 organization, RAFINCO, merged its
                                                                 membership and assets into RAFINO,
                                                                 making the RAFINO the single place for all
                                                                 ranks of retired army finance soldiers.
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